United States Superintelligence Security Agency understands that anti-piracy it's one of the greatest threats to the entertainment industry, responsible for over USD 8.5 billion in losses (each year) since 2011, costing the entertainment industry nearly USD 33.9 billion in 2019 alone - resulting in the loss of approximately 780,000 industry jobs.
Today, leaked intellectual property and copyright infringement accounts for more than 25.9% of all internet traffic in the past five years. To cut down on this, most film and music corporations hire agencies like ours to detect piracy in both pre-production and post-production environments. These efforts are coordinated alongside investigations at film screenings and distribution campaigns.
With USSISA, your company, studio, or label can protect your most valuable assets. This is proven to minimize risk, and ultimately will allow you to pursue prosecution against those who steal your products or host file-sharing services, violating your copyrights and trademarks. Our clients trust USSISA to protect more than billions of dollars' worth of intellectual property yearly across the USA, and in foreign markets. Risk minimization and intellectual property protection are a huge part of what we at United States Superintelligence Security Agency stand for, because we are the best Private Investigators in the world you can trust. Please contact USSISA at 302-907-0445 or go online for a free confidential consultation today.