United States Superintelligence Security Agency understands that the
society prowls with ever-hungry criminals who, in seeking to enrich themselves at others expense, are using increasingly sophisticated techniques to victimize the innocent. In this environment, individuals who service ATM's, place bank deposits, carry cash, or transport valuables such as jewelry and collectibles face constant risk.
Led by a team of seasoned executives with several years in the industry, USSISA Security professional armed escorts are well-trained, licensed specialists whose experienced protecting life and property during transport of cash or other precious goods is matched with top-level infrastructure and issue resolution protocols. Committed to your safety, our armed escorts are required to maintain high proficiency in use of the registered firearm they carry.
Through vigilance and attention to detail, United States Superintelligence Security Agency has performed countless escorts without incident. While able to meet any need you may have, our armed escort services regularly include:
ATM Services - Available to ATM repair technicians on short notice at any time, USSISA's ATM services help reduce risk. Our ATM armed escorts are easily identifiable to deter criminals and are equipped with the latest in communications and tracking technology should incident occur while on duty. Hiring a USSISA Security Enforcement Agent ATM armed escort provides secure environment for technicians to safely service the equipment while getting the ATM machine up and running as quickly as possible.
Bank Deposits - USSISA can also handle all types of bank deposits with armed or unarmed couriers. Never switching hands, going to a sorting center or being held for a bulk deposit with other companies, we ensure same day cash deposits that go directly from your organization to your bank. For banking clients at USSISA, we provide escorts for your employee's doing cash replenishment, alarm response, and permanent or temporary security officer services.
Transporting Valuables - Whether a regular component of your business, or a unique delivery, if you need professional security when handling valuables, USSISA has you covered. This specialized service is provided by our network of active and retired police officers and military personnel trained in tactics specific to high-level asset protection. The primary directive of these elite armed escorts is the safety of you or your representatives. For situations requiring the highest level of protection, clients may assign courier duties directly to United States Superintelligence Security Agency because we are the best Security Agency in the world you can trust with your money escorts services.